I-Search the New England Environment Final Paper

The New England and New Hampshire landscape is always teeming with new things to be seen and learned about. The Chesterfield Gorge Natural Area is just one of the many spots located in New Hampshire that hosts a variety of species waiting to be observed. That’s why when I descended down the slippery, leaf littered…

My Sit Spot: Part 5, The Final Trip

My final trip to my sit spot for the semester was a bittersweet one. I took this time to sit at the picnic table by the softly spoken brook and really reflect on all that I had seen and how much my spot had changed over the course of the semester. First off, I was really…

My Sit Spot: Part 4, Edible Plants

As I adventure around my sit spot I am always exposed to new and exciting things. On one particular day I went for a routine visit to sit by the brook located at my spot when I had my best discovery to date. Attempting to blend in with the ferns across the forest floor but…

My Sit Spot: Part 3

It has been one week since I was last at my sit spot and a lot has changed. The biggest change being the freshly fallen snow! When I walked down to my spot instead of the distinct crunch of the fallen leaves, a soft pat from my boots is barley heard as they clomp down…

My Sit Spot: Part 2

As I walk down the slope to my spot located at the Chesterfield Gorge Natural Area, my feet drop down onto a blanket of crunchy, dull colored leaves. Overall, all of the vibrant colors have left. The most noticeable coloration is the vibrance of the wet moss on the rocks. Other than that the only…

My Sit Spot

Over the course of the semester my professor tasked us with choosing a spot at any natural place we desire and to visit it every week. At our spot we are suppose to journal our surroundings and take pictures. My spot is the Chesterfield Gorge Natural Area. Upon talking to one of my friends about…