Are Moose Populations in the United States on the Decline?

Are Moose Populations in the United States on the Decline? In the United States moose populations are suffering as temperatures get warmer and heat stress and pathogens become more redundant among populations.  The American MooseThe American Moose (Alces americanus) is the largest member of the deer family according to the Alaska Fish and Game Department….

What happens when the ocean is too warm for the Hawksbill Sea Turtle?

What happens when the ocean is too warm for the Hawksbill Sea Turtle? Climate change and rising sea temperatures are causing Hawksbill Sea Turtles to remain on the critically endangered species list. But why is this happening? To be critically endangered a species has to be at very high risk of extinction in the wild….

GIS I Final Semester Project

Katelyn FournierGIS IProfessor BrehmeFinal Project: Comparing pH of Lake Water in Massachusetts counties to Mallard Duck Populations from 2008-2018 Introduction:For my project I compared the pH of lake water in Massachusetts counties to Mallard duck populations from 2008-2018. The question I was looking to answer was: Does the pH of lake water in Massachusetts influence…

GIS I Map Portfolio

Notes: Not all maps are present. Maps were made using the GIS programs ArcPro and ArcMap.

Environmentalism as a Social Movement

Adapted from a mid-term paper for my Environmental Advocacy class. Recently there has been a major push in the plastic straw movement. Now it has escalated to college campuses (including my own) banning them, major corporations like Starbucks getting rid of them, and people posting on their Instagram stories videos of turtles with straws stuck…

The Call of Stories

For most people stories serve as a form of entertainment or a way to pass along information. It doesn’t occur to these people that stories can serve as matches that ignite inspiration deep down inside. So when someone strikes that match and shares their story, it’s a surprise when the warmth of inspiration begins to…

National Science Foundation Mock Proposal

Question: Is climate change affecting the amphibian’s ability to fight the disease, Chytridiomycosis, through body temperature? Introduction: Within the past century, the average temperature globally has risen 0.8-1.2ºC [5]. There are predictions that between 2030 and 2052 that temperature will continue to increase at an accelerated rate of up to 1.5ºC [5]. Animal species that…

Factory Farming and the Changing Climate

Factory Farming and the Changing ClimateBy: Katelyn Fournier Introduction On average, per year, Americans consume 200 pounds of meat, fish, and poultry [2]. 99% of the animals included in that 200 pounds are raised solely for food consumption on factory farms [2]. The billions of these animals raised for food each year are forced to…

Group Cover Crop Experiment Report

Farming with Nature in Mind- Cover Crop Experiment ReportBy: Cory Conderino, Katelyn Fournier, and Travis Thuotte Introduction The purpose of this experiment was to look at intercropping and the benefits it could have on a crop. We specifically wanted to look at how intercropping impacts a main crop. But, we also looked at moisture retention…